
thumbs down for being sick!  :(

thumbs down for being sick! 😦

So my last fitness post was about me working out 7 days straight. I rested b/c I was all kinds of sore on Wednesday. Yesterday, I was sneezing and blowing my nose all day. Now, my throat is all itchy and here I am…sick…AGAIN. I am SO sick of being sick it’s not even funny.

The big girl always brings home germs from school and she gets sick, but usually gets over it after a day or 2. Then, #2 gets sick…then #3 and then me. I stay home with 2 and 3 and so if they’re sick, it’s just a matter of time until I catch it. I’m really surprised I’m not immuned to all the germies yet.

With #2 and #3 being sick, I can’t go to the gym during lunch b/c I don’t think Child Care will take them in if they’re sick. Besides, there are twin babies that are there during lunch and I don’t want them getting the twins sick…poor babies and poor mommy!

I actually dream of being on the elliptical during lunch watching SATC reruns on E! (don’t judge…lol). It makes the elliptical time go faster and then boom 500+ calories burned just by watching 2 episodes! Instead, I’m home trying to avoid old “comfort” food I used to enjoy when sick – aka chocolates and chips, etc. I should just go make myself an egg white spinach omelet or something…take the edge off. lol

WW: WYSIWYG – not…

First of all, how many out there even know what WYSIWYG means or is that something common now? hmmm…how many of you REMEMBER when that term first came about? Am I totally dating myself here?

Judging from these pictures, these look to be 2 lil girls having fun on a bike. Truth of the matter is, we just let them take the bike up and down the driveway to enjoy a beautiful, sunny, warm Fall day. Razz is actually walking around with walking pneumonia while the other has similar symptoms, but wasn’t diagnosed w/the same. Both are nebulizing every 4 hours…yes, even through the night. Both are on a 5 day antibiotic regimen. Razz is also on an oral steroid (she has the walking pneumonia and has a history of being hospitalized for asthma) and will need to take a maintenance med (singulair’s finally got a generic brand-woot-woooooo!) after she’s done w/her 5 day doses. So, no, What You See Is Not What You Get in this instance…this is just them, enjoying a beautiful day sans coughing fit…when in reality, they’re doing this every 4 hours… #beingsicksux















For more WW (wordful wednesday) entries, check out angie’s blog and parentingfordummies….and woot-wooooo, my post from last week was one of their recommended posts…gotta be shrimpie’s best pic ever… 😉

2 sick kiddos = 1 exhausted momma


she’s the sick one, but she’s giving me kisses! my litttle shrimpie…sweet terror

I love the fall…the leaves changing colors…boots, sweaters and cool crisp air.  I just hate when that cool air actually ends up being cold and swoops in out of nowhere.  One day we are at a high of 77 and the next, 40 something with lows in the low 30s. That’s just got “sick” written all over it.

Yup, Razz & Shrimp are both sick.  Started last Wednesday w/Razz complaining of headaches and then coming down with a fever.  Shrimp followed suit the next day.  Thursday, Razz starts a little cough and by Saturday, her throat was hurting a lot and Shrimp was also coughing too.  Fevers were on and off since Wednesday.  Took them to the doctor yesterday and Razz has Walking Pneumonia.  Shrimp doesn’t, but both will be nebulizing every 4 hours and on antibiotics.  Razz has the added dose of some steroid and then Singulair once all the meds are done (after 5 days).

Neither of my babies are sleeping well and so that means, neither is this BZMomma 😦  But, whatever, I just hope they get well soon.  Razz has been hospitalized 2x (2009 and 2010) for her asthma and even ended up in PICU back then.  I don’t want her back in the hospital.  GAH…I hate feeling so helpless when they get sick.  Shrimpie is more vibrant and playful today, Razz…just woke up so we’ll see.  I’m starting to feel an itch in my throat and I’m just really hoping there’s nothing more in store for me or the rest of our family…


Stay well!

What Else Can I Do?

It seems like every other week (if we’re lucky), one of the girls gets sick and then it just gets passed onto the next. Yesterday, Shrimp gets a fever out of nowhere (again). Last week? Beans had a bit of a cough, but we actually managed to keep it to just her. The week before that? Shrimp had the hives and fever. By the time all is said and done, this household is “sick free” for about 3 days until the cycle starts itself again. I’ve stocked up on Lysol and Clorox wipes. We also invested in an air purifier (yesterday). Let’s hope that lessens the germiness, shall we? I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired…

/end rant

WW: Rashes and Fevers and Hives, Oh my!

Well, it’s been a minute since I’ve done a “Wordful Wednesday” and it’s about high time I get back into it…So, let’s hope this gets me back in the groove with it..

Week 3 of the New Year wasn’t so grand for us.  A LOT of resolutions were broken…no work outs, no eating healthy, no family fun night, no blogging.  Still, laundry was done and the girls helped me pair socks, that’s gotta count for something.

So, what, prey tell kept everything at bay and amiss at the same time?  Our 16 month old, Shrimp.  The Shrimpie.  The Shrimpmeister woke up from her nap on Tuesday with a fever.  We gave her meds, she was fine for the rest of the day and night.  Fast forward to 2AM.  She woke up wailing and why wouldn’t she?  She was burning up…meds and milk, and back to sleep.  Now it’s Wednesday morning and baby girl keeps scratching.  I just think her eczema acting up.  I go to change her and lift up her shirt and BAM, baby girl’s got little red bumps all over. 
rashes turned to hives on her back
Have no idea what’s causing her to have all of this, but it just continues to spread throughout the day.  Gave her a small dose of Benadryl, but it wasn’t working. 

starting to look like weltsNext thing you know, the hives were all over her back and side AND were starting to connect and look like welts.  Her face starts to get splotchy, but not yet affected and neither are her extremities. 

Her fever is still around and hitting high temps…oh you know, 104.7 F…no big deal…YEAH, OK.  Plus, she started getting little red bumps on her arms and legs now too.  I took her into Urgent care where they diagnosed her w/an ear infection and possible Strep Throat b/c of her rashes(??? I never knew Strep and rashes/hives correlated).  They took a Rapid Strep test which was negative, but have no clue what the hives are all about now that Strep got ruled out.  I was told to give her a full dose of Benadryl every 6 hours and antibiotics for her ear infection AND let’s not forget the fever meds.  Usually, she doesn’t mind taking meds.  This time around, she is fighting with all her might and fighting so hard sometimes that throws it all up…

hives spread to her face
2 days later, the rashes are clearing from her back and neck area – where they were the most prominent on the 1st day. Now, they are spreading to her face.  I take her to see her regular Pediatrician on Friday and when we walk in there, her cheeks are red.  Immediately, he thinks she has “5th Disease” – the “Slapped Cheeks Syndrome“.  But mind you, she just started getting them on her face that day.  Still, he says it should pass and if she continues to have a fever on Monday, that I should bring her back.

Her face clears up by Sunday night…Her fever lingers a bit on Monday, but finally goes away. I think she’s finally out of the woods now (keeping fingers crossed!).

For more WW entries, check out Angie’s blog over at