Runner’s Injuries

I haven’t run in a few weeks.  Tell me why I signed up for 2  5ks and one is on SATURDAY?!?!  I thought I had at least 2 weeks still!  Holy Cannoli, Batman!  I do miss running.  I hope I haven’t set myself up for more injuries or making my existing condition worse.  I am not going to try for a PR at this point.  I would just like to finish.

Anywho, seems like I never posted what I have below from 10/5 (starting at Bah Hum Bug!). No changes to my entry though…I still have no updates b/c I haven’t seen the PT yet 😦

~~~~~~~~~~~~ (below entry from 10/5)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bah Hum Bug!

I finally caught this running bug and now, I have to go back to walking and running, but not when it hurts (but it hurts right away).

I’ve got the right shoes for my running style and gait.

I’ve got proper insoles (SuperFeet).

I’ve got, probably, an incorrect running form.

I’ve got a pain that shoots up my leg…that comes out of nowhere when I’m going up/down stairs…walking…jogging…changing from sitting position to standing.

Apparently, my “soleus muscle is quite angry” at me.

What does this mean?

It means I need to walk more than run.

Stop running as soon as I feel pain.

Once I get approved, I need at least 2 one hour sessions a week with a PT/Sports Med Doc…

It means that the races I had lined up in October and November are no longer feasible.

Mommy Time Out

she looks so cute, doesn't she?  looks can be deceiving...

she looks so cute and innocent, doesn’t she? looks can be deceiving…

Can Mommy get a Time Out?  PLEEEEEEEEEASE???

That is how I felt Monday and last night.  Shrimp outdid herself and brought Terrible Two’s to new heights, AGAIN.  She started off by sleeping late Sunday night then waking up late on Monday – around 11/11:30.  Then, she proceeded to:

  • hit Razz multiple times.
  • scream/sqiueal and cry whenever she didn’t get what she wanted.
  • WRITE on our WHITE leather couches.  This is what threw me over the edge.  We usually hang out in the basement/play area where the couches are BLACK, but I had to start taking down Christmas so we stayed upstairs.  It took me 10 minutes of constant scrubbing to get MOST of it off.  There are still faint lines and scribbles everywhere.

After being reprimanded and such, she calmed down for a good 2 minutes and was back to hitting Razz again…then proceeded to try to play with the laptop which I was banning her from because she was so bad earlier on.  Razz tried to help keep her away from the laptop.  Know what that means?  More hitting.  She also then decided she was going to scream and squeal and cry again – WHILE I WAS ON A CONFERENCE CALL because she wasn’t allowed to do what she wanted.  In addition, she decided she was going to JUMP on the laptop.

Once all that was said and done, she decided she wasn’t going to eat breakfast or lunch until way after mealtime was over.

I don’t even know what finally made her calm down, but I think it was Dora or Umi Zoomi and it was only on because I felt so bad for poor Razz that I said she could watch TV and Shrimp snuck in and started to watch too.

She was good for a few hours and then started acting up again at night.  She woke up late so she didn’t nap and was out by 9pm – THANK GOODNESS.  HOWEVER, she woke up around 12am acting like she just took a nap so she was up again for an hour or so.  This time, she proceeded to hitting, no PUNCHING, me.

I do have to say, her screaming and squealing and crying and screeching had 1 advantage so far…when we were standing in a looooong line at the airport coming back from Jamaica, she decided she had enough and made all kinds of a ruckus.  I  mean nothing could calm her down – toys, my phone, milk, food, etc.  Officials eventually  escorted us to the FRONT of the line…essentially cutting over 150 people.  Not one person gave us a dirty look.  But, her antics had one positive outcome…1…

From what I recall, Terrible Two’s last until almost 4.  At least it did for the other 2, but they weren’t terrible at all now that we have witnessed Shrimp and her antics.

*calgon…take me away!*

Wellness and Fitness on the Mind

ellipticalAll weekend, I’ve just been thinking about fitness and what I can do to keep consistent.  Everything from diet to exercise to calorie counting gadgets (BodyBugg, Polar FT40 or sticking to my good ol’ Garmin Forerunner110).  I need something to count my calories while I’m working out without being on a machine (treadmill/elliptical) which is what I’ve been on so I can see the calories.  I need to see the numbers.  I never thought I was a numbers kind of gal, but I guess I am.  Anyway, I’ve been trying to get in the groove to get myself going…I need to lower my cholesterol.  One main ingredient that I didn’t do is go to the gym / workout.  I went Friday (pic on left), but not Saturday or Sunday.

I ate well and healthy Saturday, but not Sunday.  portobellostuffedwithturkeyetcHad much too much wine Saturday night so that just totally nixed the whole eating healthy and well, I’m sure of it.  That pic was leftovers from Saturday all rolled into 1 – ground turkey w/spinach & rosemary stuffed in portobello mushroom cap.  Also had left over veggie fried quinoa (instead of rice) so I just put both that in the cap too.  Recipe inspired by watch_me_shrink and damndeliciious.

So, the scale tells me this morning that I gained weight, again.  I am now at my highest weight ever whilst not carrying a child – although I look like I could be about 6 or 7 months pregnant if I don’t “suck it in” or sit/stand “wrong”.

Part of my weekend research was checking out some pics/recipes of Instagram members and their healthy eats (watch_me_shrink) has some great looking eats and are healthy too!  I also was looking at Beach Body Instructor, Chalene Johnson’s page trying to get inspired…and I was (she’s creator of TurboFire, by the way)..  But, looking at pictures on a phone isn’t going to make all my weight magically disappear nor will it lessen my cholesterol.

I need to get back on TurboFire and/gym mode.  I need to eat better more often than not, not the other way around.  I need to detox/cleanse or something.  So, next on my agenda will be going on the BeachBody Ultimate Reset plan.  21 days on a STRICT diet (Lord, Help me…give me strength) and no working out.  I hope that doesn’t make me lose motivation to work and instead, have such a great outcome that all I want to do is maximize results by working out.  Once that is done, I will go back to gym/TurboFire (I LOVED TurboFire and got good results with it, I just wasn’t consistent).

I am going to try to make myself accountable by either posting here and/Instagram as to my foods, my progress, my ups and downs.  I haven’t shared this website / instagram account with my BeachBody Coach yet and I’m not sure why.  I don’t know if that will help or hinder me. Maybe I don’t want him to see all my past failed attempts at trying to get fit?   Maybe because I don’t want him to judge me?  I don’t think he would, but…I don’t know.   I am friends with him on FB so that should be good enough, right?  I like this part of the world being my “outlet” my “anonymous” account where not too many people I know IRL know about it.  There are a couple, but not too many and I’d like to keep it that way.  Besides, I am friends w/almost everyone I know IRL (and about 3 bloggers) on Facebook anyway.

If you want to find out more about TurboFire or the Ultimate Reset or even P90X, Insanity, etc., you can check my BeachBody website where I am a “coach” – just for formality so I can get discounts.  I haven’t coached anyone – not yet.  My beachbody website is beachbodycoachDOTcom/bzmomma – wordpress isn’t letting me link it for some reason…I have to read into that.

Never Fails…

yes, i'm using my daughter's nebulizer and her dinosaur mask!

yes, i’m using my daughter’s nebulizer and her dinosaur mask!

Once I get into the swing of things w/working out, something comes along to deter me and it’s usually some kind of sickies, as I said in a previous post.

This time around?  The girls caught some kind of cough/ fevers though so that’s good.  However, it got Razz back to using her nebulizer a couple of times and even me.  Yes, me.  I can’t find my inhaler (never can find it when I need it, but when I don’t need it, I see it everywhere).  We almost didn’t go to a holiday party over the weekend, but somehow, we managed to muster up enough energy to go and even looked spiffy for the evening.  Sunday, I was having coughing fits and finally used Razz’ nebulizer.  I was ok after that and spent my day off on Monday resting and baking w/my girls.  Then, this morning, I was up at 5:30am coughing away…for an hour and then I finally nebulized again.  I always thought you could outgrow childhood asthma, and I did for years…didn’t expect it to come back though.  It is EXHAUSTING to keep coughing!  I don’t know what’s worse, sneezing like crazy b/c of allergies or coughing fits…both are exhausting.  Did I say it’s exhausting?
This is putting a damper in my 4 week goals…especially the one where I said I would work out 4-6x/wk.  Last week, I got in 3 workouts before falling to the coughsies.  I am hoping that I will feel better by tonight so we can all go to the gym (thank you child care!).  I don’t care if I just walk on the treadmill instead of jog, I need to sweat and work out.  I need my cholesterol numbers down by next doctor’s visit and for good!

#asthmasux #asthmasexhausting


Keepin’ It Real – Messy Kitchen Edition

I wish I had some super power to just keep everything clean.  I wish I could just move my mouth side to side / crinkle my nose a la Samantha on Bewitched and then the whole house would be clean.

messy kitchen 😦

You see this?  This is me…keepin it real…showing you our kitchen…a great looking kitchen when all is clean and put away, but when this BZMomma is not feeling 100%, worked until 3:40am and is a WAHM w/2 sick kids…this happens…not pictured?  Sink almost full of dirty dishes…

I don’t know how the rest of you keep up, but I seriously wish we had a maid sometimes.

Did you know…in the Philippines, a third world country, maids and live-in nannys are pretty common if you’re middle class and up???   Well, more common than in these here United States.  Usually, in the Philippines, there are some maids that do it all, but unless you’re lucky enough to find a maid that’s a “jane-of-all-trades”, most households actually have more than 1 – 1 for laundry, 1 for cleaning, 1 for cooking, etc.  Baffles my mind how that works.  I know I can hire a cleaning service (for an arm and a leg), but sometimes I just want someone to come here and clean at the end of each day…make sure the kitchen is clean and free of clutter…everything in every room put away, etc. We’re really trying hard not to go to bed w/dishes in the sink and clutter. etc., but sometimes, it’s just inevitable.  I shouldn’t dwell on it b/c of present circumstances, but still…

Trying to teach the girls to keep up after themselves and the big 2 are great…Then, destructo baby comes along and just messes everything up all over again…blocks are spilled out, books are taken off shelves, etc…It’s like she finds comfort in clutter and it’s beyond any of us.  I feel bad b/c the big 2 know they’re going to get in trouble if they don’t clean up at the end of the day, but it’s like day’s end never comes because Shrimp will just keep messing it up all over again.
