WW: Ohhhhhhh…We’re Halfway There!

Sing it with me now – “Ohhhh oh! Livin’ on a Prayer!” Ok, that’s enough of that…I just have a soft spot for Bon Jovi since I grew up in his hometown.

Anywho, I have a lot of pictures (and blog entries) that I am so behind on with uploading (and writing)…Blog Slackin, Disney Trip, Easter, Kitchen and Basement Renovation, Razz in the Hospital last week (worst week ever)! But, I figured, I’ll stick to the most recent and HAPPY topic 🙂

So yes, we hit the halfway mark yesterday…20 weeks in and 20 weeks to go! I can’t believe we’re ALREADY halfway there and I can’t believe we’re ONLY halfway there. Do you see this picture? This is a comparison of me with my first pregnancy in 2005 w/Beans and my third pregnancy now w/Shrimpie. Am I HUGE or what??? AND, I am just going to get bigger. It’s going to be one, LONG, HOT Summer!

holy hugeness batman!

Happy WW…To see more, check out Angie’s blog @ sevenclowncircus.com.

Summer Previews

Sorry, no Summer Movie talk here (except that I am waiting for Eclipse w/baited breath…oh Edward…lol)…just gonna talk about the temps…

Yesterday and today have been HOT ones in the northeast. Well, today’s actually pretty nice and breezy w/temps in the 80s, but yesterday, we hit a record high of 92! That’s pretty hot and intense – especially for April!

Anyway, I’m FINALLY getting my energy back so the girls and I took a stroll down the block yesterday to grab some lunch. Beans was all complaining how hot it was and was so happy when we would hit shady spots. When we got in the restaurant, I was ready to just take the food to go, but she wanted to eat there (guess for a change of pace since we always just pick up and eat @ home). I was pretty surprised she wanted to eat inside the restaurant b/c it was HOTTER in there than it was outside. It’s a family owned Italian restaurant that serves yummy food and pizzas…with those pizzas come those BIG, HOT ovens. Yeah, it felt like an oven in there, but the girls wanted to stay while my hot and huge pregnant arse wanted to just go back to the cool confines of home. However, I realized that I’ve been working so much and not spending as much fun time w/the girls that I gave in and we had a great lunch.

Here’s Beans mid-chew (notice her rosy cheeks b/c she’s hot):

Here’s Razz asking for more (also w/the rosy cheeks):
Razz wants more

We then stopped by the local Dollar Store (which I’m loving MORE and MORE each day) and picked up some ice cream (cotton candy flavored for the girls…who knew they made that? Not I says moi. See? Another reason why I’m loving this Dollar Store) which we ate at home where it was nice and cool…
Enjoying ice cream from $ store @ home

Love the way they look so summery, but it’s a bit too early for me. 80 degrees at 11pm last night didn’t help w/sleeping, but luckily our fan was easily accessible. We still refuse to use the air conditioner just merely on principal since it’s still ONLY April.

Mother Nature gave us the snowiest February on record. The wettest March on record and now the Hottest April days so far on record. I’m scared to see what the rest of the summer will look like. Global Warming anyone? I just hope our basement renovation is done soon b/c it’s nice and cool down there. Plus, I hope pDaddy can work from home more in the summers so we can all jump in the pool (even if just above ground) during lunch and downtimes. It will be too hard for me to carry Razz up the ladder and into the pool AND make sure Beans is in safely too…I used to be ok w/Beans and I swimming when Razz was in the belly, but now there are 2 of them who move as fast as lightning sometimes.

Ahhh…the lazy days of summer coming up…but first, back to the reality of renovations and spring cleaning!

PS – I’m really hating how tempermental my cell phone camera is. Sometimes it’s so nice and crisp and clear and then most of the other times, pictures come out in poor quality like the ones above…

Vacay –

Just droppin by to say that even though I have chock full of thoughts I actually want to blog about, we are on vacation so that’s not likely not to happen 🙂

Yesterday’s flight was, thankfully, quick and uneventful. I DID NOT get sick, Razz was knocked almost for the whole duration of the flight and Beans was too excited to nap except for the last 15 mins (of course). The exciting part about that flight besides the girls getting to go in the front of the cockpit to ask the pilots to bring them to Disney? I felt Shrimpie flutter!!! Yes, yes I sure did 🙂 By the way, thank you to all of you who have congratulated me…I’ll do my best to keep you up to date.

So, today’s our first full day down here in Orlando…temps are about the same as they are in NJ (go figure). We’re going to grab some bfast and be up and about. I’ll try to post pics on my Flickr/Twitter so you can keep up w/us that way 🙂

Wordful Wednesday – Shrimpie

To see more Wordful Wednesday entries, check out Angie’s Blog…

So, I’ve been MIA again for awhile. I have a good excuse, I promise! Actually, I have a whole list of excuses that have been halting me from blogging and just from doing whatever…This list was created about 3 weeks ago on a piece of paper. I’m better for the most part, but here are my excuses in no particular order (some maybe TMI, but…oh wells):

  • So tired and sleepy.
  • Don’t feel like doing anything except laying/lounging on the couch.
  • Always hungry, but can’t always eat because I’m not tasting for anything/nothing tastes good.
  • Everything leaves a weird taste/aftertaste – even water.
  • I get heartburn w/everything.
  • Crazy bout of flatulence/”blocked” bowels…OH JOY! (told you some stuff was TMI)…
  • Always nauseous/gagging…some things that make me gag:
    • drinking water
    • smelling food cooking (frying, rice cooking, anything)
    • tomato sauce…yes, spaghetti was a once a week dinner at our house, but not anymore
    • smelling cigarettes/smoke
    • smelling our dish detergent (we don’t have a dishwasher so I haven’t been able to wash dishes…poor pDaddy.)
    • taking a shower
    • brushing my teeth

    So what, prey tell, had me in this bad of shape from Mid-January to early March (and even a little now)? If you haven’t been able to deduce what was causing all that, I present to you, Shrimpie:

    Shrimpie @ 12w3d

    shrimpie 12w3d

    That was taken on Friday, 03.12.2010 when Shrimpie was 12weeks and 3days. At this point, we are at 13weeks and 1 day. We are due on 09.21.2010. Another September baby just like Razz 🙂 Beans and Razz are ecstatic and already rub my protruding belly saying “Hi Shrimpie” and “I love you Shrimpie”.

    I’m feeling better than that list above (which I created on 02.24.10(and yes, my name is Stephanie, nice to meet ya!). That list was how I was feeling from 6-10/11 weeks. I’m not over all of those things yet – I still gag when brushing my teeth, taking a shower and just at random times. I still can’t wash the dishes and I haven’t been able to bathe the girls b/c that makes me gag too. Poor pDaddy has really had to step up his game and he has. I couldn’t even help him shovel all that crazy snow from February’s storms. Anyway, I am better even though I still don’t like the smell of certain things, but at least I can drink water now and am not as exhausted – I’ll take what I can get!

    In other news – we finally get to leave for Disney tomorrow. We were supposed to go in the middle of February, but our flight got cancelled due to one (of many) snowstorms. I was acting upset about that, but was deep down relieved. Can you imagine me at that time going to Disney? I would have been miserable at the “happiest place on earth”! Anyway, I hope I don’t get sick on the plane and can handle all the walking. Though I haven’t gained too much weight as reflected on the scale, I’m already showing. I look like I’m about 6 months instead of 3 months pregnant…

    Here’s to a long hot summer and a happy, healthy baby come September 🙂