Wellness and Fitness on the Mind

ellipticalAll weekend, I’ve just been thinking about fitness and what I can do to keep consistent.  Everything from diet to exercise to calorie counting gadgets (BodyBugg, Polar FT40 or sticking to my good ol’ Garmin Forerunner110).  I need something to count my calories while I’m working out without being on a machine (treadmill/elliptical) which is what I’ve been on so I can see the calories.  I need to see the numbers.  I never thought I was a numbers kind of gal, but I guess I am.  Anyway, I’ve been trying to get in the groove to get myself going…I need to lower my cholesterol.  One main ingredient that I didn’t do is go to the gym / workout.  I went Friday (pic on left), but not Saturday or Sunday.

I ate well and healthy Saturday, but not Sunday.  portobellostuffedwithturkeyetcHad much too much wine Saturday night so that just totally nixed the whole eating healthy and well, I’m sure of it.  That pic was leftovers from Saturday all rolled into 1 – ground turkey w/spinach & rosemary stuffed in portobello mushroom cap.  Also had left over veggie fried quinoa (instead of rice) so I just put both that in the cap too.  Recipe inspired by watch_me_shrink and damndeliciious.

So, the scale tells me this morning that I gained weight, again.  I am now at my highest weight ever whilst not carrying a child – although I look like I could be about 6 or 7 months pregnant if I don’t “suck it in” or sit/stand “wrong”.

Part of my weekend research was checking out some pics/recipes of Instagram members and their healthy eats (watch_me_shrink) has some great looking eats and are healthy too!  I also was looking at Beach Body Instructor, Chalene Johnson’s page trying to get inspired…and I was (she’s creator of TurboFire, by the way)..  But, looking at pictures on a phone isn’t going to make all my weight magically disappear nor will it lessen my cholesterol.

I need to get back on TurboFire and/gym mode.  I need to eat better more often than not, not the other way around.  I need to detox/cleanse or something.  So, next on my agenda will be going on the BeachBody Ultimate Reset plan.  21 days on a STRICT diet (Lord, Help me…give me strength) and no working out.  I hope that doesn’t make me lose motivation to work and instead, have such a great outcome that all I want to do is maximize results by working out.  Once that is done, I will go back to gym/TurboFire (I LOVED TurboFire and got good results with it, I just wasn’t consistent).

I am going to try to make myself accountable by either posting here and/Instagram as to my foods, my progress, my ups and downs.  I haven’t shared this website / instagram account with my BeachBody Coach yet and I’m not sure why.  I don’t know if that will help or hinder me. Maybe I don’t want him to see all my past failed attempts at trying to get fit?   Maybe because I don’t want him to judge me?  I don’t think he would, but…I don’t know.   I am friends with him on FB so that should be good enough, right?  I like this part of the world being my “outlet” my “anonymous” account where not too many people I know IRL know about it.  There are a couple, but not too many and I’d like to keep it that way.  Besides, I am friends w/almost everyone I know IRL (and about 3 bloggers) on Facebook anyway.

If you want to find out more about TurboFire or the Ultimate Reset or even P90X, Insanity, etc., you can check my BeachBody website where I am a “coach” – just for formality so I can get discounts.  I haven’t coached anyone – not yet.  My beachbody website is beachbodycoachDOTcom/bzmomma – wordpress isn’t letting me link it for some reason…I have to read into that.

4 Weeks Later

evil goodness

Pumpkin Cheesecake – aka evil goodness

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I do hope everyone had a great holiday season and a fantabulous New Year so far!  We had a great Christmas and New Year full of decorating, baking, cooking and wrapping/opening presents.  I am not ready to let go of Christmas yet.  I can’t bring myself to bring down our tree and decorations, but I just have to keep reminding myself that dust…dust is our enemy.  I am hoping to post recaps of the holidays soon, but today’s post is to update myself on my 4 Week Goal Accountability post.

4 Weeks Ago, I set these goals and by today, I was supposed to be able to say the following, confidently.  Unfortunately, it was a lot harder than I anticipated and our holiday baking and cooking frenzy was no help.  So the only things I have been able to accomplish are crossed out.

By January 10, 2013, I will be able to proudly say I:

  • have worked out at least 4-6x/wk (Turbo/Gym)  – only 2-3x/week.
  • lost 10 lbs – actually gained 4lbs, but it feels like 10.  my cheeks feel chubbier…my belly and thighs feel humungo! 😦
  • am able to do 10 push-ups with no knees  YEAH BOSS!  BIG CHECK on this one!
  • am able to do 10 tricep push-ups  – nope…only about 3.
  • lost 2″ from my waist – scared to check, but I probably added 2”.
  • drank 80 oz of water daily By far, the easiest since I love water.
  • can run 1 mile straight – haven’t even tried.
  • can finish CORE 20* (floor work) without stopping – haven’t tried either.
  • limited bad carb in-take – baked goodies messed me up,  big time!
  • increased fruits and veggiesmy body looks for salad…love it!
  • made daily TO DO lists and prioritized  Big CHECK on this…though my “priorities” don’t always get done did.   I need to work on that now.

So, there you have it.  2 steps forward, 200 steps back.  I wish I never tasted good pumpkin cheesecake (until this past Thanksgiving, I didn’t like anything pumpkin).  Once I tasted the (expensive) pumpkin cheesecake,  I decided to try to save money and make one myself and darn it, it turned out great!  I didn’t realize it was so crazy high in calories!  I mean, I knew it was high, I didn’t think 1/12th of a cheesecake could be over 400 calories!

Anyway, I am keeping at this this and if I don’t do some kind of “reset”, by February 7 I will need to cross more things off this list.  I really need to focus and make a change.  My cholesterol needs to go down. I do not want to go on medication if I can help it.  I repeat, I DO NOT want to go on medication.

So, I’ve started to take steps and log my food in myfitnesspal.com and am going to try to burn at least 600 calories at the gym tonight…




Finally did it.  Week 5 Day 3 (aka the 20 minute run) is elusive no more!

I slept early last night…well, I tried.  I fell asleep around 11:30 only to wake up an hour later then got back to sleep around 1-ish.  Ever since I wrote my post yesterday w/that challenge to myself, I’ve been psyching myself out to do this 20 minute run and I must’ve subconciously been thinking about waking up early to do it b/c I actually woke up before my alarm (5:30…my alarm’s set for 5:50).   Of course, I kept going back to sleep so I actually didn’t get out of the door until almost 7:15 and OFF I finally went!

Beautiful morning – cool and breezy…partly cloudy in the low 70s.  Perfect.

I surprised myself and did relatively ok with the whole thing.  It was the last 5 or 6 minutes that hurt because I had to go up-hill for about 3 minutes before going back down.  Plus, my right sock was slipping off and so I was getting my first blister (not counting one from years ago 08?  09?).

I’m glad I challenged myself.  I’m glad I got out there.  It’s 8am.  I feel great.  I need to just eat well and keep up this momentum and that should keep me on the bandwagon again 🙂

According to my Garmin (not counting warm up and cool down), here’s my Week 5 Day 3 breakdown!
Time:  20:00.77
Distance: 1.7 miles
Avg. Heartrate: 174
Calories:  196

Time: 5:01.49
Distance: .27
Avg. Heartrate: 130
Calories: 33

Cooldown (stopped too early):
Time: 3:36.78
Distance: .09 (I was walking back and forth the same block. Does GPS get all messed up?)
Avg. Heartrate: 151
Calories: 29

Elusive W5D3 – Couch to 5k

I have attempted Week 5 at least 3, no wait, 4 times now.  Each time, I wus out on W5D3 because it requires you to run 20 minutes straight, something I have never done.

Instead of me getting psyched up to push myself and test my boundaries, I get scared.  Scared of hurting my shins again…scared of NOT making the full 20 minutes and feeling like a failure.  The longest I’ve ever run straight was probably 13 minutes when I ran that 5k in May.  So instead of getting out there and running, I lay in bed and think I should get up and go already, but in reality? I lay there and think about it more than I put an effort to doing it. I ran Week 5 Days 1 and 2 again 2 weeks ago when we had guests over. My last run was 2 Fridays ago. That’s right, no runs (or any form of exercise) at all last week. I don’t know if it’s because my body just wanted to rest after hosting guests, but I think it had more to do w/the heat and being scared.

So, I haven’t lost any weight, in fact, I think I gained a few pounds (especially not doing anything last week). I should be at my ideal body, or close to it by now, IF I just stuck to working out and eating better. Why, oh why do I always fall off the darn wagon??? At least I haven’t gained too much weight back. I am going to try this darn 20 minute run this week. Although, I may need to start Week 5 all over again so as to not shock my body/legs, but by golly, I will try the 20 minutes straight. I mean, what is my problem??? If my shins start to hurt, then fine, I’ll slow down or start walking it. I just need to move!

Couch to 5k – Week 5

I keep thinking back to that 5k in May and feeling so accomplished…totally opposite of what I’ve been feeling lately.  I need to get on it and just do it.  I need a boost in confidence…a better, more fit, body so I can feel confident.  I’m not trying to be a size 2 again, I’m not.  I just want to feel healthy and not so flabby and floppy and sloppy and blah.

I will do the 20 minutes this week (holiday week and all…weekend getaway and all).  I will do it.  This is my weekly challenge.  I have too many cute summer clothes I want to wear and if I’m looking and feeling flabby, no amount of cuteness is going to do anything to make me feel good or look good.