Meet Parker

elfonashelfOk, we did it, we adopted an “Elf on the Shelf” little buddy.  I was hesitant at first, but as long as he’s not in my face when I wake up, I guess it’s fine (my sister shares the same sentiment).  After a gazillion names being thrown out there, we all settled on “Parker”.  Maybe it had something to do with the fact that we just watched “Amazing Spiderman” and well, his name is “Peter Parker”.Other names were:  “Woody”, “Eli”, “Sebastian”, “Hagrid” (yes, the big guy from “Harry Potter”)  and I don’t even remember the others anymore.

Beans is 7 now and is the most excited out of everyone.  The other morning she squealed and laughed so hard when she found him – hanging around our tree!  I was upstairs and heard her!  I love this age…when the spirit of Christmas is so alive and the age off innocence is full on kicking!   Beans was the one actually asking for it all the time since the week of Thanksgiving, but that doesn’t mean that the other 2 gals don’t have fun looking for him either…


While the girls were making ornaments, I read them the story and that started our little guy’s adventures!

He was too tired to move one night, but I think he’s got himself rested up goes back to report to Santa every night since.

Here’s where we’ve been finding him lately…

I can’t wait to see where else he ends up!

WW: Memorial Day Weekend – 2012

We did absolutely nothing. Well, OK, I didn’t do much. pDaddy shampooed all our carpets…our rooms are brighter now! Woohoo!

While others were out and about swimming, shopping, beaching, we stayed home and grilled and ate and chillaxed in central air as it was in the 90s all weekend (how did I ever live w/o Central Air before???) and then did it all over again. The only time we left the house was to buy stuff to grill, buy some new rugs and carpet runners and grab some Thai food for lunch yesterday. I have to say though, with the heat, we missed our old pool. pDaddy, Beans and I started to joke around and imagine our pool in the backyard and that Beans just took a dip and got all tan already. Poor Razz just woke up from a nap and thought she totally missed out! She was about to cry b/c she couldn’t “see” it and really wanted to swim!

fireworks display We did play w/sparklers and snaps one night. It was the first time the girls ever saw them and played with them. It wasn’t easy to get those back in NJ (no firework sales). I was baffled when I saw a fireworks display INSIDE one of our stores here. I wish we took pictures, but I was in charge and Marco was carrying Shrimp in one arm and had Buddy’s leash on the other hand. Razz was a bit scared at first, but then loved it. Beans was so happy with the whole experience, she asks EVERY DAY and EVERY NIGHT if we can do Sparklers that night. It makes a good bribe – “be good and we will” 🙂

At one point, the girls wanted to dance and do some Hawaiian/Hula dancing. I, in the most pathetic way, attempted to show them. Razz and Shrimpie got into it while Beans sat on the couch swaying back and forth. Shrimpie got into it so much, she kept “kembot-ing” (swaying her hips) so hard she would lose her balance! It was hilarious! She added her hands twisting and it was just the cutest thing! We were laughing so hard and enjoying it so much that we forgot to “get out of the moment” and grab the camera to film her. Then, following conversation then took place:

Me: Shrimpie, you’re TOO cute!
Razz: Cuter than me?!?!?!
Me: You’re ALL cute!

Well then…


I admire these girls for their confidence! I hope it’s something they keep with them forever, but not to the point where they’re conceited…just to the point where they know. Having confidence is not as easy as it seems… 🙂

Shrimp’s talking a lot more now and it feels like she really added to her vocab this weekend:
“side” or “outside” when she wants to go out
“How doin” or “What doin” for how or what are you doing?
Hi-Fiiii = Hi-Five!
Shhhhoes – especially when she knows it’s time to go somewhere…She’ll start saying SHOOOOES and then proceed to the shoe closet.
Whoa…whoa..WHOOOOAAAA! – said emphatically as she walks backwards and pretend like she’s tripping or falling.
Daddy’s…Mommy’s…etc. when she sees things that she sees us using. She does this for everyone in the house.
Aaah-boy – When talking to Buddy…saying “Good Boy”
Cickle = Circle. When she wants to write (or steal) my pen.
There-i-iiiss = There it is!
Cheeeeeese…well, for cheese. She loves to eat cheese.
Coookieesssss cookies 🙂

Speaking of eating. She’s the pickiest eater out of the three. The big 2, pretty much, eat anything they’re given – always. Shrimp, nope, not even close. Of course when it comes to snacks or cookies or anything “junk”, she’s right there waiting for her fair share and she will make it known that she wants some. Anyway, we’ve resorted to giving her Pediasure just so she gets nutrients she’s missing out on from not eating solids and only just drinking milk. She now has some “mind-game” going on because I originally put the Pediasure in a sippy-cup. If I put that SAME drink in a bottle, even if she’s watching me, she will REFUSE to drink it (kicking and screaming optional…though happens more often than not). If I put bottle contents into her sippy cup, as she watches me, she grabs the sippy right away and drinks it. Maybe she’s ready to give up the bottle too? We tried to give her strawberry milk, but once she saw me pour REGULAR whole milk in her sippy and added strawberry syrup, she was NOT having it. Oh my…

What else? Ah yes, Shrimpie likes taking off her diaper now and will be all Houdini about it. She’ll figure out how to take it off even if she’s got pants on and a onesie…she slips it off somehow and Sunday? SUNDAY?!!! She took it off AFTER pooping! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Had little dark red/brown stuff all over carpets (color due to Pediasure). I took her up to the shower and Marco got to scrubbing. Good thing he was already planning on shampooing our carpets too.

Razz had some manners issues. I don’t know what happened, but she’s getting kind of bad w/minding her manners and she’s being pushy. Sometimes I feel like I’m talking to a sassy fourTEEN year old instead of four. We are working on it. BIG time. For example, yesterday, Beans asked if she could have an ice pop. I said what color and Beans says blue. Razz says, “I want a pink Ice Pop”. Um, no little girl. You don’t tell me you ASK me if you can have one first. She’s had a few other moments of getting in trouble for being sassy, but I think (hope) she’s realizing why and how to mend it. Other than that, she’s pretty great…loves to read and always helps me with the laundry. She has such a great sense of humor too. Instead of getting all sore/swoll when we joke around w/her, she’ll joke right back!

Beans is getting used to taking naps again and she LOVES it 🙂 It took some getting used to, but playing w/Buddy outside and whatever else, has made her hot and tired enough to nap over the weekend and she’s napping now as well 🙂 She has gotten SO super helpful and even washes dishes! She does whatever is asked of her and moves quickly about it too.

shrimpie beating up her big sistersThe 2 big girls, when together (at a store, etc.) can sometimes act up a storm, but the 2 girls, together with Shrimpie, is AWESOME to watch. They really love Shrimp and try to play with her and make her laugh all the time. They also try to protect her (from herself). I guess Shrimpie knows how much her they care for her and is ALWAYS giving them hugs. She also loves to beat up on them (as seen in this pic). And the great part is, the girls are very tolerable of her! Even Buddy is! I can only hope they are this good with each other later on in life…

Don’t let this innocent look fool you:
look of innocence?  NOT!

I really wanted to plant and work on our little patch of a “garden”, but it was just TOO hot! I didn’t even want to walk around nurseries / home improvement stores to check out the plants and such. It is supposed to cool off this week, so maybe then, I will. I also wanted to go through our storage and get rid of stuff (and make room for more stuff). Mainly, I wanted to give up all of my clothes (pre-pregnancy). I mean seriously, I doubt I will ever wear a size 0, 2 or 4 again. I have a few boxes in storage that I should go wash and sell to our local consignment shops or ship to the Philippines. Too bad the closest cargo shipper is 2 hours away. I tried to schedule a pick up in February and they said they were going to come, but they never did. Let’s hope I get some work done this week while it cools off.

Now, to all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to service our country, to those have serviced our country and continue to, THANK YOU.

linky-linky over at Angie’s WW post for this week.

Nap Time


Or not…monkeeee in the middle’s causin a ruckus! Maybe she’s excited ove the long weekend too? Lol

As for me, hope to get some running (indoors on dreadmill),  gardening and grilling in!  Supposed to be a scorcher this weekend and with no pool at our new place, easy access to central air’s going to be the ticket!  No big thing for gardening since it’s only a small area (townhouse dweller for now).

Hope I can get to the running store too – the only shopping I can justify.  Me and my promises…I swore NOT to go clothes shopping until I drop 10 lbs or a full size! Can’t even keep more than 5lbs off! What was I thinking?  Sooo many great sales too!

What are your plans?

Have a great one!

WW: Mother’s Day Edition

What a FANTABULOUS Mother’s Day Weekend I had!  pDaddy done did outdone himself this year!  From Flowers and a new Garmin watch on Friday (perfect timing for my 1st 5k run), to being one of my cheerleaders and biggest supporter for my 5K on Saturday and booking our brunch aboard a Riverboat Cruise on Sunday, he made everything, within his control, absotutely, perfect.  And of course, God lent him a hand and made the weather perfect as well…Surrounded by all my loves and girls behaving (for the most part), I couldn’t have asked for anything more!  Of course, it would have been nice to have OUR mom’s around, but mine’s in the Philippines tending to her school and pDaddy’s is back in NJ, but will be here next month!  Still, one of the best weekends in a while…and apparently, I have one more surprise in store on Saturday…don’t know…not asking… lol

Family - Mother's Day 2012Family - mother's day 2012girlsMy girls and Imeshrimp_actionsBeans & Razz - down by the waterfrontus_mothersday2012redpaddleboatwheel
Wordful Wednesday Link Up:

On Me (Thank you InStyle Magazine for your “Neutral Know-How”…Blush (petal) & Olive do look wonderful together!):
Blush Ruffle/Tier Top:  Rue 21 :: Cargo Skinnies:  Mossimo – Target (2011) ::  Denim Jacket:  Guess Jeans (2006) :: Wedges:  A2 by Aerosoles “Plush Above” in Tan via Kohl’s :: Sunglasses:  Michael Kors via TJMaxx :: Satchel:  Steve Madden via TJ Maxx :: Pearl Necklace:  Local Store :: Watch:  Michael Kors .

On Beans:
(Blue) Dress:  Hand-Me-Down from her cousin | Denim Jacket:  Cherokee – Target | Sandals:  Xhiliaration – “Heidi” from Target | Headband:  Target | Sunglasses:  Disney Little Mermaid – Walgreens

On Razz:
Pink Shirt:  Old Navy (s/s 2011)
Gray/Silver Skirt:  Old Navy (s/s 2011)
Pink Sweater: Target
Sneakers:  Sketchers Twinkle Toes via Kohl’s
Sunglasses:  Walmart

On Shrimpie:
Dress:  Beans’ from 2005 ..::.. Sweater:  Ralph Lauren – gifted  ..::..  Sandals:  Xhilaration “Jumper” – Target ..::.. Sunglasses:  Dora via Walgreens (site only has Winnie the Pooh, but same style)

hmmm…now…what delimeter should I use?  “::”, “|”, “..::..” or just going onto the next line?  I know, such problems in my life!  hehehe

WW: O.M.G. – Oh My Girls

Yes, my girls. My trio…the “princess trilogy”…my girls that are all growing up really quickly. For the rest of the week, I’m going to try to post about where the girls are in their lives…what they like, what they’re up to, how they’re doing…that kind of thing. I feel like, while this is my blog and I’m liking that I’m talking about my beauty finds and what I’m up to w/regards to my resolutions and running, I miss posting about my girls and their milestones. I am a MOMMA after all 🙂 Besides, I like looking back at all my posts about Razz and Beans and their milestones and wish I did more of those posts…something to keep track. I used to blog under my own site and while pregnant w/Beans and before here so, I’m trying to see if I can find those old files and read those too. I want to do the same for Shrimp…what a way to see how different they all are.

I also want to talk about fun stuff like going to the park and sisters getting along (and will probably also talk about them bickering)…
fun on the slide

Or reading to pDaddy on relaxing Sundays…
storytime on a relaxing sunday...

Or them being girlie and wanting to play with make-up and nail polish and dressing up, but also being sporty and goofy. I feel like time is passing on by way too fast for my liking so I need to remember to take the time to capture them here or via pictures or videos or whatever. I used to love scrapbooking and while that may be a great way to preserve some of these memories, I don’t have the time for it. Plus, I’ll have to wait until Shrimp is not getting herself into everything. I can’t even get her to sit and color b/c crayons, markers, or whatever writing utensil you give her, goes straight to her mouth 😦

Join us for Wordful Wednesday by linking up on Angie’s blog…