You Capture: Spring

Just like everyone else around here, Spring came way too early then left without saying Goodbye, just to make a reappearance through rain as of late.

March had us hitting record temps for 7 days in a row. This had flowers and trees blooming a lot earlier than usual and now, the blooms are gone, the leaves are in and green as ever and the rain? Well, like I said, rain made a come back and actually had us staying inside for much of this week. Now, some of you out there probably like to take pictures out in the rain. As for me? I get sick easily, so I stuck to indoors and saw what I could find that represented spring in some way.

So, here are some things that caught my eye…
Our placemat pattern:

Shrimpie’s tights:
shrimp's tights

Razz’ pants:
close-up of Razz' pants
razz' pants

And just for good measure, my lil bookworm, Razz, reading…
reading razz

To see more SPRING pics, check out the other participants over at Beth’s Blog

You Capture: Chocolates

Well, it’s been a minute since I’ve done of these! I used to love You Capture because it challenged me to use my camera…Basically, Beth picks a weekly subject, and we whip out our handy-dandy cam and take pics. It helped me gain different perspectives and get creative. I even learned new features of my camera! I need to follow this more often again…that way, I won’t be just using pics from my phone cam (like I’ve been doing lately). I need to bring back the good ol’ camera, which is what I said I would do, but am not doing as much as I’d like.

I meant to join earlier because I saw she had “pastel/Easter” as a theme and even “white”, but alas…I didn’t get to it until now. This week’s theme is CHOCOLATE. For these pictures, I just used our new-ish point-and-shoot.

Our Easter Survivors (surprisingly)…
Easter Chocolate Survivors

Mmmmm…chocolate chip cookies…w/a chip that melted into a heart shape!
Choc Chip Cookie


You Capture: Doors (and Duck Tape and Dora)

Beth over at (issues w/the site right now though) hosts “You Capture” every Thursday and each week is a different theme. Haven’t done this in quite some time, but I decided to come back and join this week…but to my dismay, the theme was “Doors”.

Doors? I am a WAHM mom who now lives in an apartment in Central Illinois after moving here from NJ in October. Thus, we haven’t ventured to too many places that would have exquisite doors…doors worth taking artistic photos of. I read “Doors” as the theme and immediately thought of ornate wooden doors…doors of St. Patrick’s Cathedral…doors of a NY Skyscraper (or Chicago, actually). So, I looked around and saw this:

dishwasher door full

That would be our Dishwasher Door…with what you say? Look a bit closer:

dishwasher door

Yup, that’s our Dishwasher Door w/Duck Tape!

Why, prey tell would we have that? Well, lil Miss Shrimpie is definitely more curious than her 2 older sisters ever were at her age. Then again, we never had a dishwasher in our old house (yes, I have dishpan hands 😦 ). Anyway, she’s opening all cabinets, playing with electrical sockets and outlets and sticking her hand in garbage and toilet bowls. She’s also quite the climber and loves the stairs and climbing on furniture. So, where as we baby proofed electrical outlets and added corner guards to our furniture for the older 2, we really didn’t have to. With Shrimp? We HAD to. We HAVE to make sure all outlets are covered. We need to make sure corner guards are on. We need to make sure gates for the stairs (at the top AND bottom) are locked. We need to always make sure she’s not climbing furniture. We needed to add cabinet locks to all cabinets and drawers within her reach. AND, yup, we have to always have Duck Tape on Dishwasher Door. I know it looks ghetto-fabulous, but I haven’t found any locks in the stores that could be used for it. pDaddy came up with the idea w/duck tape b/c he and I got sick of washing dishes over and over b/c she would open the dishwasher and empty it out and put things in her mouth and well, you get the picture. Of course, there’s also that chance of having a knife in there…yeah, no biggie.

See what I mean?
shrimp opening dishwasher
NEVER a dull moment with this girl. I thought the other 2 kept me on my toes…I had NO idea.

Again, no ornate, beautiful doors around here, but I couldn’t just post a dishwasher door. So, um, here you go…Doors from Dora’s kitchen!

dora kitchen doors2

dora kitchen

Happy Capturing!

To view more YOU CAPTURE entries, check out BETH over (when it comes back up, of course).

You Capture – A Happy Story: Potty Training Razz

Perfect timing for this post b/c I finally am participating in the YOU CAPTURE challenge again. This week’s theme? TELL YOUR HAPPY STORY. The Holidays, of course, make me happy (for the most part), but I will not let Razz’ Potty Training get overshadowed any longer!

We got Razz a potty over the summer, but Razz was always scared to go potty for some reason or another. She would sit, but needed her diapie on. Then, there were days she just wouldn’t deal with it. Here was where I tried back on 10/21/2009 – short lived!

pDaddy started seriously potty training Razz on Saturday, November 7. He was downstairs with the girls while I continued the “Great Cleanup of 2009” upstairs. He let Razz go around w/no diapies, no undies, no pants. He’s brave that hubby of mine! Good thing we have only rugs and hardwood floors (I think I would freak out if we had wall to wall carpeting).

She was a big ‘ol mess, as expected, the first day. A few more accidents on Day 2 and 3. But, by the 4th day, she was PERFECT!

She still has a few accidents here and there. I think she went 5 days with being perfect, then had a couple of mishaps. Then perfect again for a few more days and then another mishap. Still, she’s doing well and has to have been the earliest potty trained kid I know of. She was at 2 years and 2 months when she hit her first few days of perfection 😉

Here she is on 11/14/2009 – 1 week after (sorry it’s blurry!):
razz on the potty w/big sis coaching ;)

The other night, she did have some accidents – mainly happens when she can’t get her pants down fast enough (and she won’t always ask for help – Lil Miss Independent that she is) or when she’s really distracted (aka EVERYONE around on Thanksgiving), but she’s done did good 😉

So PROUD of my lil’ RAZZcal 🙂

PS – I’ve been meaning to post this for so long, but feared I might jinx her progress. I’m still scared it might, but whatevs, she deserves her recognition!