Wellness and Fitness on the Mind

ellipticalAll weekend, I’ve just been thinking about fitness and what I can do to keep consistent.  Everything from diet to exercise to calorie counting gadgets (BodyBugg, Polar FT40 or sticking to my good ol’ Garmin Forerunner110).  I need something to count my calories while I’m working out without being on a machine (treadmill/elliptical) which is what I’ve been on so I can see the calories.  I need to see the numbers.  I never thought I was a numbers kind of gal, but I guess I am.  Anyway, I’ve been trying to get in the groove to get myself going…I need to lower my cholesterol.  One main ingredient that I didn’t do is go to the gym / workout.  I went Friday (pic on left), but not Saturday or Sunday.

I ate well and healthy Saturday, but not Sunday.  portobellostuffedwithturkeyetcHad much too much wine Saturday night so that just totally nixed the whole eating healthy and well, I’m sure of it.  That pic was leftovers from Saturday all rolled into 1 – ground turkey w/spinach & rosemary stuffed in portobello mushroom cap.  Also had left over veggie fried quinoa (instead of rice) so I just put both that in the cap too.  Recipe inspired by watch_me_shrink and damndeliciious.

So, the scale tells me this morning that I gained weight, again.  I am now at my highest weight ever whilst not carrying a child – although I look like I could be about 6 or 7 months pregnant if I don’t “suck it in” or sit/stand “wrong”.

Part of my weekend research was checking out some pics/recipes of Instagram members and their healthy eats (watch_me_shrink) has some great looking eats and are healthy too!  I also was looking at Beach Body Instructor, Chalene Johnson’s page trying to get inspired…and I was (she’s creator of TurboFire, by the way)..  But, looking at pictures on a phone isn’t going to make all my weight magically disappear nor will it lessen my cholesterol.

I need to get back on TurboFire and/gym mode.  I need to eat better more often than not, not the other way around.  I need to detox/cleanse or something.  So, next on my agenda will be going on the BeachBody Ultimate Reset plan.  21 days on a STRICT diet (Lord, Help me…give me strength) and no working out.  I hope that doesn’t make me lose motivation to work and instead, have such a great outcome that all I want to do is maximize results by working out.  Once that is done, I will go back to gym/TurboFire (I LOVED TurboFire and got good results with it, I just wasn’t consistent).

I am going to try to make myself accountable by either posting here and/Instagram as to my foods, my progress, my ups and downs.  I haven’t shared this website / instagram account with my BeachBody Coach yet and I’m not sure why.  I don’t know if that will help or hinder me. Maybe I don’t want him to see all my past failed attempts at trying to get fit?   Maybe because I don’t want him to judge me?  I don’t think he would, but…I don’t know.   I am friends with him on FB so that should be good enough, right?  I like this part of the world being my “outlet” my “anonymous” account where not too many people I know IRL know about it.  There are a couple, but not too many and I’d like to keep it that way.  Besides, I am friends w/almost everyone I know IRL (and about 3 bloggers) on Facebook anyway.

If you want to find out more about TurboFire or the Ultimate Reset or even P90X, Insanity, etc., you can check my BeachBody website where I am a “coach” – just for formality so I can get discounts.  I haven’t coached anyone – not yet.  My beachbody website is beachbodycoachDOTcom/bzmomma – wordpress isn’t letting me link it for some reason…I have to read into that.

Never Fails…

yes, i'm using my daughter's nebulizer and her dinosaur mask!

yes, i’m using my daughter’s nebulizer and her dinosaur mask!

Once I get into the swing of things w/working out, something comes along to deter me and it’s usually some kind of sickies, as I said in a previous post.

This time around?  The girls caught some kind of cough/cold..no fevers though so that’s good.  However, it got Razz back to using her nebulizer a couple of times and even me.  Yes, me.  I can’t find my inhaler (never can find it when I need it, but when I don’t need it, I see it everywhere).  We almost didn’t go to a holiday party over the weekend, but somehow, we managed to muster up enough energy to go and even looked spiffy for the evening.  Sunday, I was having coughing fits and finally used Razz’ nebulizer.  I was ok after that and spent my day off on Monday resting and baking w/my girls.  Then, this morning, I was up at 5:30am coughing away…for an hour and then I finally nebulized again.  I always thought you could outgrow childhood asthma, and I did for years…didn’t expect it to come back though.  It is EXHAUSTING to keep coughing!  I don’t know what’s worse, sneezing like crazy b/c of allergies or coughing fits…both are exhausting.  Did I say it’s exhausting?
This is putting a damper in my 4 week goals…especially the one where I said I would work out 4-6x/wk.  Last week, I got in 3 workouts before falling to the coughsies.  I am hoping that I will feel better by tonight so we can all go to the gym (thank you child care!).  I don’t care if I just walk on the treadmill instead of jog, I need to sweat and work out.  I need my cholesterol numbers down by next doctor’s visit and for good!

#asthmasux #asthmasexhausting


WWW…Weak Workout Week












Yup, not a great workout week at all. I just didn’t have it in me this week and add to that everyone has either a cough or cold or both – including the 19month old who was SO stuffy one night she just kept waking up EVERY.HOUR…no exaggeration!

Last Sunday, I spent almost 2 hours at the gym (well, including walking to and from the gym). I mean, I killed it! I did my Week 3 workout for Couch to 5k. I did some weight training and did some time on the bike. 2 hours…That’s long for me because I usually try to sneak in my gym time in the mornings before I have to bring big girl to school. What does this mean? This means that even though my alarm goes off at 5:30am (yes, I even made it earlier this week), I keep going back to sleep and then eventually wake up around 6/6:15…proceed to make coffee, walk the pup, drink coffee, walk the pup again and then head out. By the time all is said and done, I have about 30 minutes to get to the gym, workout and head back (sorry for being repetitive, I’m sure I’ve said all this before).

And I’m wondering why I’m not where I thought I would be after 2 months of going to the gym.

So, I need to make myself accountable. I need to:

  • Start getting up earlier. I’m not a morning person. I don’t know how some of you get up before the crack of dawn to get to the gym or boot camp. Does it help that things like boot camp or early morning yoga classes are a group setting? I’m just going to our local “basics” gym where there is cardio equipment and weights, but no classes and such. I need to just start sleeping earlier too.
  • Make sure I have enough time to stretch before and after because I tend to switch to the bike or skip a day b/c I’m feeling sore still.
  • Set a new goal.  I know I’m on the Couch to 5K plan that says don’t push it or move too quickly through the steps/weeks, but maybe I can put forth a goal of “moving” at least  30 miles a month.  I’d prefer that to be all in the running category, but I think I’ll have to mix it up with the Elliptical and the Bike….at least until I finish the Couch to 5k program.
  • Sign up for a 5k.  You may think I’m crazy, but I’m following this Couch to 5K program and I haven’t even signed up for one!  I know there’s one around here on 5/12.  I’m thinking about it, but that’s in 2 weeks and I’m only starting Week 4 (out of 9) today.
  • Set a weightloss goal.  I told myself I wouldn’t do it this time.  Usually, I start my workout waves by saying things like I need to lose 30lbs and will lose it in 3 months (or something crazy like that…possible, yes, but hasn’t been for me).  What happens is that I burn myself out within the 1st 2…between the change in diet and exercise…However, I think I should.  30lbs in 3 months sounds a bit crazy though…especially since I haven’t even lost 10 in 2.  So, maybe 20lbs in 5 months?  I don’t know, I’ll have to think about this some more.

So there…Now I just need to wrap my head around it all and commit.  Here’s to hoping that May will definitely be better than April in terms of working out…



OK, I’m back and I hope to be back for more than just a post here and there. It’s been crazy around my neck of the woods…First of all, we moved from NJ to Illinois! After 27 years on the fast-paced East Coast, we are now in the Heartland…the Land of Lincoln. I’ll get into more details in the future, I hope, but I just wanted to drop in and dust off some cobwebs first.

It’s a NEW YEAR and, like everyone else it seems, it’s a new year for a new me. Not only am I talking in a weight-loss sense, but just being more put together. On that note, here are my resolutions this year:

1 – Be more patient…especially w/my 3 daughters.

2 – Follow through w/skincare routine – I’m amazed at how often I have gone w/o washing my face at night / morning. My HUGE pores are a testament to that.

3 – Take care of myself more / be more “put together” before heading out – I work from home so it’s easy for me to stay in PJs all day. If I have to run out to pick up the big girl or to run a quick errand, I usually just throw on a sweatshirt and, depending on the season, wear my boots, sneakers or flip-flops. I need to take the time to put on a little make-up – even just eyeliner, mascara & lip whatever makes a difference! I need to put an outfit together and look put together. I need to do this, it actually makes me feel good when I look good (well, not to sound conceited, but you know…not like I just rolled out of bed kind of thing).

In 2011, I discovered youtube sensation Michelle Phan and OMG…she has inspired to put on my best face…or any face except the one that is drab. I know, she’s been around, but hey, I don’t know why I never took advantage of all the web had to offer (tutorials and such). I found her when searching youtube on how to do a “smokey eye“.

I also discovered some style bloggers and my fave is Tanesha. She is just amazing! This girl can put together any outfit AND isn’t a stick… The girl has curves and she loves them! She puts classic pieces together w/the latest trends and can mix and match high-end designers w/some affordable brands too! Besides all that, I think she loves peep-toe heels as much as I do! Enough exclamation points there?

Her fame has blown up in 2011 and she has her own billboard out in Times Square, but you know what? She STILL takes time to reply to the “little people” via her blog and/twitter! She just gained even more respect by doing that.

4 – Exercise at least 2-3x / wk for at least half an hour at a time. I need to get this “baby weight” off already! Shrimp was born in September of 2010. I weighed the most while pregnant with her and actually got stretch marks that I never got w/the other 2. She was a big baby, born at 9lbs 12.3oz so yeah, I was house while pregnant w/her. I cannot count the amount of times people would ask me if I had twins in there. In 2011, I lost weight and I gained some back. I cannot seem to keep the weight off, but I know what I need to do. I need to exercise more, practice healthier eating and portion control. I need to do all that and keep at it. I have been on and off w/twitter and blogging, but I’m trying to come back. I used to keep tabs on Zoot & Laura, but again, have been off the blogosphere. Well, I’m going to follow misszoot and laura closely since they are motivating me to get out there and move!

5 – Eat healthier and give up soda. Goes w/the exercise and weight loss. What I want is to gain a sense of pride, confidence, self esteem. I think all of that can be achieved once I get to a healthier me. I looked at myself in the mirror and almost don’t know who that girl is.

6 – Be more confident in myself, life and work. Again, this ties in w/exercise and weight loss for gaining confidence in myself. I need to also be more confident in my decisions in life as a woman, a wife and a mother. Sometimes, I find myself questioning things when I know I shouldn’t. I need to be more confident at work as well. Working from home for the past 6 years has taken it’s toll on me. I used to be aggressive, a “go-getter”, “on the ball”, etc. I don’t find myself there anymore. It’s hard when you are not surrounded by your peers and can’t lean on each other for things. However, I know what I know and shouldn’t question that. I do need to work on knowing more.

7- Focus more and not get easily distracted. With everything going on around me, this is going to be challenging. I work from home…I also take care of the 4 year old and 15 1/2 month old. I also have mommy-duties and chores and then wanting to do so much w/such little time. I have found myself, on more than one occassion, starting something and then going to do something else…like this blog entry. I started this, but then go back and forth between my girls and work. But, hey…that’s life. Life Happens. I just need to make sure I don’t get distracted w/menial things.

8 – Blog again…this poor home of mine on the interwebs has been left “undone” too long…

9 – Pay off my credit cards. I make this sound worse than it really is. I am actually at a decent place in my life when it comes to credit card debt. The crazy, college shopper has learned her lesson. I just don’t like having ANY balances on my cards, but know that, in order to build and get better credit, you need to use the cards and show that you can pay them off. There was actually a couple of years where I didn’t have anything on my cards and a couple of the lenders actually closed them due to inactivity! I had no idea they could that 😦

10 – Pray more…I may not be all that religious (No, I don’t go to Mass every Sunday), but I still have my faith…I just need to get in touch w/that side more. I actually found a Bible at TJMaxx the other day. I think I may go back for it, though I think I want the one that has explanations in it…kind of like “Cliffs Notes” or something.

11 – Take more pictures! I have TOTALLY slacked in this area. pDaddy has gotten into photography more than I have in the past few years so I’ve become dependent on him to take the photos. I need to do this more though…especially since I’m the one home w/the girls more. He can play w/his 5D and I’ll take the good ol’ Rebel…If you know of any photo sites or weekly photo challenges, please let me know.

12 – Let go of the past…no holding grudges even after forgiving. For me, it’s always been easy to forgive, but I have a hard time forgetting.

Well, I think that’s it. What do you want to accomplish in 2012? Are you out there? If you are, HELLO! Welcome aboard or Welcome back 🙂 Do share your goals in the comments, please 🙂

Hope that you and yours had a fantabulous holiday season!

Holy Busy, Batman!

It’s 6:30 at night and I’m STILL working! It’s been a crazy hectic day and I didn’t even get any of my house chores done except anything related to the girls (they do have to eat, you know 😉 )!

Busy season @ work usually begins in August and well, here we are. Speaking of, I can’t believe:

  • It’s August.
  • Summer’s almost over.
  • I’m not even close to being packed for vacation.
  • We’re leaving in a couple of weeks!
  • I woke up sniffling. I hope it’s allergies and not a cold. I was all sweaty after Yoga last night and walked around w/a semi-wet-with-sweat shirt for a bit outside.
  • I didn’t go to the gym or go out for a walk/jog. All I’ve done so far is Yoga for the week.
  • I didn’t visit many of my Daily Reads today. I think I only checked out 3 and I didn’t even get a chance to leave comments… 😦 Plus, I didn’t get to visit the new blogs I wanted to check out. GRRRR…
  • I’m STILL working!!!

Sorry for the lame post. I’m drowning in work today!